
Creating Advanced Tabs in Elementor

If you’ve ever used Elementor’s tabbed widget, you know that it only offers a default content box. While you can edit text and add HTML, it’s not very interactive or visually appealing. Here’s how you can enhance it:

Step 1: Creating an Interactive Map Tab

  1. Duplicate the Tab Widget: Start by duplicating the tab widget in Elementor.
  2. Add a New Template Section: Name this section “Tab One Map.”
  3. Search for the Map Widget: Drag the map widget into your new section.
  4. Enter Your Address: For this example, we’ll use Las Vegas.
  5. Set the Zoom Level and Height: Adjust these settings to fit your design.
  6. Publish the Template: Once you’re satisfied, publish it.
  7. Insert the Shortcode: Copy the shortcode from your template and paste it into the tab content. Ensure you’re in the text mode to avoid formatting issues.
  8. Rename the Tab: Name this tab “Map.”

Step 2: Creating a Bus Route Tab

  1. Name the New Template Section: Call this section “Tab Two Bus Route.”
  2. Search for the Grid Widget: Drag the grid widget into your new section.
  3. Create the Bus Route Table:
    • Use a text box to label columns (Bus Number, Road, Time).
    • Ensure there’s only one row initially.
    • Customize the background color and typography to your liking.
  4. Duplicate Rows: Duplicate the widget to add more rows. Change colors as needed.
  5. Publish the Template: Once you’re done, publish it.
  6. Insert the Shortcode: Copy the shortcode and paste it into the tab content in text mode.
  7. Rename the Tab: Name this tab “Bus Route.”

Step 3: Creating a Ticket Information Tab

  1. Name the New Template Section: Call this section “Tab Three Tickets.”
  2. Search for the Pricing List Widget: Drag the pricing list widget into your new section.
  3. Format the Pricing List: Adjust the formatting to your preference.
  4. Duplicate the List: To create side-by-side lists, duplicate the widget and use the row horizontal icon.
  5. Publish the Template: Once satisfied, publish it.
  6. Insert the Shortcode: Copy the shortcode and paste it into the tab content in text mode.
  7. Rename the Tab: Name this tab “Tickets.”

Preview and Final Touches

Once all tabs are set up, preview your changes. You should see:

  • Map Tab: Displays your interactive map.
  • Bus Route Tab: Shows your bus route table.
  • Tickets Tab: Lists ticket information.

Get the Exact Tutorial and Download the Elementor Templates

For a detailed tutorial and the exact codes used in this example, view the YouTube video and go to to download the Elementor code.

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